Finding Yia Yia

[heading subtitle=”Finding Yia Yia” title=”A Greek Tragedy”]Because 80 years is long enough to keep a secret

More than three quarters of a century after the brutal murder of her grandmother, Angela Derecas Taylor set out to untangle her family’s closely guarded secrets, learn about the grandmother she never knew, and come to terms with the reality that her own beloved grandfather was a murderer. Finding YiaYia: A Greek Tragedy is the story of Angela’s search for the truth, in the face of resistance and animosity from her family members, to bring her grandmother’s story to life, uncover the circumstances that led to her tragic death and bring honor to the memory of a woman, Mary Derecas, who was left in an unmarked grave.


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“WOW! Thank you so much for doing this program for At Home On The Sound. You are a fabulous storyteller and held our audience spellbound as you spun your tale. It was an extraordinary afternoon”
— Elinor Fredston, Founding Board Member, At Home On the Sound, Larchmont, New York


“You spoke so beautifully about trying to find and know your grandmother. You are a brave woman, deeply passionate, filling your life with meaning and much more. Thank you for sharing your journey and I look forward to your next chapter.”
— Reena Kashyap, Ceramic Artist, New York City


“It was a wonderful talk, not only factual but moreover from the heart…. The story has been with me ever since I left.”
Frank Buddingh’, Dunedin, New Zealand and New York, USA on twitter @buddinghtree
