Daily Voice Coverage of Finding Yia Yia: A Greek Tragedy

I am thrilled that New Rochelle Daily Voice lists my upcoming talk and class on their website. The event, scheduled for Feb. 10th at 3:30 PM is free.

At it, I will discuss my forthcoming work, “Finding Yia Yia: A Greek Tragedy,” in which I share the story of my attempts to untangle my family’s secrets and honor the memory of my grandmother – often in the face of resistance from my family members.

This program is free and open to the public. Refreshments are served at 3:30; program begins at 4:00pm.

View the details here:
[button link=”http://newrochelle.dailyvoice.com/events/classes-lectures/861994/finding-yia-yia-greek-tragedy” newtab=”on”]Read Article[/button]

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